Cape Gourmet Wine Trail - South Africa

Cape Gourmet Wine Trail

5 star rating   22 April 2023

Emily who has been on 25 In The Saddle rides. Cape Gourmet Wine Trail - Riding through some of the most stunning scenery in the world incorporated with eating delicious food and drinking local wine | Louis clearly loves his horses and they are very well cared for. The riding was lovely; there were opportunities to have the nice canters. The scenery is so breathtaking that it was also nice to be in walk and appreciate the beauty of the surroundings.

The Riding

How well were you matched with the right horse for your ability?
5 star rating
How would you rate the variety of riding, pace or terrain?
5 star rating
How would you rate the overall standard of the horses, tack and stables?
5 star rating

The Accommodation

How would you rate your room(s) for comfort and facilities?
5 star rating
How would you rate the standard of the food?
5 star rating

Do you have any comments about the accommodation and food?

There is a range of accommodation, all of which was very comfortable. It was a privilege to spend one evening having dinner in the home of some farmers and learn about what they do. The food was second to none.

Before Your Holiday

Did you have all of the information you needed to:

Plan and prepare for your holiday?
5 star rating
Feel comfortable about your transfers and what to expect?
5 star rating