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Just south of the Arctic Circle is a country of enormous, unspoilt natural beauty with a hugely diverse landscape dominated by volcanoes, geysers, young mountains and glaciers. Sometimes called the land of ice and fire, Iceland is like no other place on earth.

In Iceland we work with Íslandshestar and Hestasport, two of the most well-known and respected outfitters. Accommodation on many of the rides is fairly simple and the majority of the rides are trail rides, although on some rides you return to the same accommodation each night whilst the horses remain out on the trail. One of the great delights of a riding holiday in Iceland is the herd of loose horses which run with the group, enabling riders to change horses regularly so that their mount is always eager. Please note there are some itineraries where you do not ride with a herd.

The Icelandic horse is a pure-bred descendant of those brought to Iceland by the Vikings over a thousand years ago. Horses remain an important part of Icelandic culture; they are used on remote farms to round up livestock and are still the best means of getting around in many parts of the island. Although small (the average height is 13hh to 14hh), the Icelandic is a powerful horse with great stamina and strength of character. What makes the Icelandic horse extra special is its fourth gait, the tölt, which is comparable to a running walk, which can be performed at a variety of different speeds. Most riders can master it fairly quickly; it's fast, comfortable and enables the horse to cover great distances.

Iceland is also the land of the midnight sun and the Northern Lights. In the light evenings you may well hear tales of the trolls and elves that dwell in the mountains and valleys through which you will pass. In this country you will believe that anything is possible!

The Icelandic horse is a pure breed and no horses are allowed to enter the country. Icelandic horses are not vaccinated and are therefore susceptible to infectious agents from abroad. To avoid the risk of any spread of infection, the country has strict laws regarding riding equipment which may be brought into the country.

Iceland - Round Up

Price from £1,271.29 for 3 nights ( GBP | EUR | USD )

The Round Ups take place in the north and south of Iceland and you will witness the farmers bringing their animals down from the mountains before winter sets in. Hours in the saddle can be long and the rides are usually highly sociable as all the local farmers gather to assist. Some of the Sheep Round Ups can be more challenging in terms of the riding, guest participation and accommodation.

Experience Level
  • Open Sep-Oct
  • Set arrivals
  • 3 to 6 nights / 3 to 6 days of riding | 3 to 9 hours riding per day | Nearest collection point:Reykjavik
  • Weight limit: 17st 4lbs (110 kg) (242 pounds)
  • Usual maximum: 20

Iceland - Hestasport Escapes

Price from £1,178.54 for 3 nights ( GBP | EUR | USD )

Stay in a private self-catering cottage and explore the beautiful forgotten trails in the outback of Skagafjörður in northern Iceland, renowned for the quality of its horses. Home at Hestasport is perfect for families and groups of mixed ability, whilst the Mountain Challenge welcomes more experienced riders on trails into the mountains.
These rides combine well with an extended self-drive tour of Iceland and are great for accompanying non-riders.

Experience Level
  • Open Jun-Sep
  • Set arrivals
  • 3 to 4 nights / 3 to 4 days of riding | 1 to 5 hours riding per day | Nearest airport:Reykjavik
  • Weight limit: 17st 2lbs (109 kg) (240 pounds)
  • Usual maximum: 14

Iceland - Highland Trails

Price from £1,020.27 for 2 nights ( GBP | EUR | USD )

The Highland Trails vary from two to seven nights, taking you away from everyday life and into the highlands of Iceland. Accommodation is in guesthouses or farmhouses, with made up beds, so provide a more comfortable adventure for those not wishing to pack a sleeping bag. Some of the trails are suitable for intermediate riders and above, whilst others require a more experienced rider.

The shorter rides are great as a stand alone short break, or work well as part of a longer stay in Iceland.

Experience Level
  • Open Feb-Mar, May-Dec
  • Set arrivals
  • 2 to 7 nights / 3 to 7 days of riding | 2 to 8 hours riding per day | Nearest collection point:Reykjavik
  • Weight limit: 17st 4lbs (110 kg) (242 pounds)
  • Usual maximum: 20

Iceland - Breath of the Highlands

Price from £4,229.12 for 6 nights ( GBP | EUR | USD )

These trail rides in the north of Iceland are a healthy mixture of comfort and adventure on horseback, driving a herd of free running horses to discover the high moors of Eyvindarstaðaheiði.

Experience Level
  • Open Jun-Aug
  • Set arrivals
  • 6 nights / 6 days of riding | 2 to 5 hours riding per day | Nearest collection point:Reykjavik
  • Weight limit: 17st 2lbs (109 kg) (240 pounds)
  • Usual maximum: 14