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The traditional Kyrgyz people are semi-nomadic herders who live in round tents called yurts and tend sheep, horses and yaks in the mountains.

A horse riding holiday in Kyrgyzstan centres on experiencing this nomadic lifestyle and immersing yourself in their culture. The rides also involve long hours in the saddle and some challenging mountain riding.

Kyrgyzstan - The Great Trek

Price from £1,233.85 for 10 nights ( GBP | EUR | USD )

An adventurous trail ride across the high mountains, deep fertile valleys and arid peaks of central Kyrgyzstan staying in tented camps and family yurts. A real opportunity to experience a different way of life and culture.

Experience Level
  • Open Jun-Sep
  • Set arrivals
  • 10 to 17 nights / 7 to 15 days of riding | 6 to 10 hours riding per day | Nearest airport:Bishkek
  • Weight limit: 14st 2lbs (90 kg) (198 pounds)
  • Usual maximum: 10