1 November 2024
The Riding
The Accommodation
Do you have any comments about the accommodation and food?
We had no complaints about the accommodation we had everything we needed.
The food was very varied, good portion size and a very good standard.
The staff went out of their way to make sure we were happy and had everything we wanted and they were all so gorgeous and smiley we couldn’t help but smile along with them.
Before Your Holiday
Did you have all of the information you needed to:
How could we improve the quality of pre-holiday information that we send?
You can’t improve on perfection
How could we improve the way we handled your booking and payment?
You can’t improve on perfection
Sue who has been on 4 In The Saddle rides. Wonderful Moolmanshoek | The riding was absolutely fabulous. The scenery and wildlife were incredible. Lindy our guide was so knowledgeable and accommodating we had a wonderful time over and above our expectations.
[Abbie from ITS replies: Thank you for your wonderful feedback. We are really pleased that you enjoyed your stay at Moolmanshoek.]