Horizon Signature Safari
16 June 2024
The Riding
The Accommodation
Do you have any comments about the accommodation and food?
The accommodation at the centre was generally good. The bed was very comfortable which is the main thing, although I felt the bathroom could have done with a bit of maintenance (loose taps, missing plugs, etc). We spent one night at a luxury lodge (Savannah) which was lovely. We also spent a night at Camp Davidson, which as camping goes was quite luxurious. The only problem was that it was in the middle of winter (June) so got very cold at night, and I had trouble sleeping. The rooms at the centre and Savannah Lodge had electric heaters which were definitely necessary. We also got hot water bottles. (I'm sure this isn't a problem during the other seasons!) The maids cleaned the rooms every day, and everything seemed very clean and tidy.
The food was all really good - all freshly cooked and made that day. I was the only vegetarian in the group and they catered for me well. It was also nice to have English-style tea in plentiful supply. Later in the day, the fridge was always stocked full of ice cold beers to enjoy after a ride.
Before Your Holiday
Did you have all of the information you needed to:
How could we improve the quality of pre-holiday information that we send?
I felt I had everything I needed.
How could we improve the way we handled your booking and payment?
All seemed okay.
Do you have any other feedback for us?
This holiday provided an excellent mix of riding adventure but with time for rest in between. The staff, guides and volunteers were all friendly and very helpful. Overall it's an excellent package and good value for money. I'm really glad I booked it, and would definitely recommend for anyone wanting an introduction to South Africa and riding safari.
Philip who has been on 6 In The Saddle rides. An excellent balance of exciting riding and amazing wildlife, with lovely hosts | The horses I rode were all very sensible and I felt 100% safe. Some needed pushing on a bit to keep up with the others. The riding was generally straightforward, mostly walking with some canters. The main hazards were holes in the ground and thorny branches, which our guide warned us about every time. We had opportunities for some more adventurous riding such as scrambling up a steep rocky hill, splashy canters, jumping, horse swimming, and polocrosse. So lots of variety. We also helped out on an unplanned cattle drive. You get 8 days in the saddle (riding on both the first and last day), so it helps to be fit and used to the English style of riding. One of our group had to sit out a day because her back was hurting from the cantering. A number of our group had only done Western riding before, and I think they struggled a bit more. Horizon have a lot of horses to choose from (100+) so you will get to ride several over the week, which is quite fun.
The riding was broken up by a number of other activities, including star gazing, a driven safari, wine tasting, and sundowner drinks somewhere picturesque. And while there was plenty of riding, it was also really nice to have a break during the middle of the day (between 11.30 and 3.30) to relax, eat, and watch the wildlife on the lake opposite.