Monte Velho
28 May 2023
The Riding
The Accommodation
Do you have any comments about the accommodation and food?
The accommodation is high quality. It is very well-designed and luxurious. The food was incredible - buffet style but a great range of dishes, as well as lovely desserts and wines and soft drinks.
[Abbie from In The Saddle replies: Many thanks for sending your feedback. We're so pleased that you enjoyed your stay at Monte Velho.]
Before Your Holiday
Did you have all of the information you needed to:
How could we improve the quality of pre-holiday information that we send?
It was very comprehensive.
How could we improve the way we handled your booking and payment?
All went well.
Anna who has been on 3 In The Saddle rides. Wonderful short break | We had two lessons in a group of two and they were very informative and gave us a chance to try new things. The instructors were lovely. We also had two trail rides around the property, through the cork trees paddocks and tracks, which were relaxing and involved a few short canters.