Ant's Nest
16 January 2023
The Riding
The Accommodation
Do you have any comments about the accommodation and food?
Flycatcher was a new room for me and it was perfect …very comfortable.
The food was superb - I ate and drank far too much.
Before Your Holiday
Did you have all of the information you needed to:
How could we improve the quality of pre-holiday information that we send?
As usual we had everything we needed
How could we improve the way we handled your booking and payment?
No improvement needed. It was perfect
Do you have any other feedback for us?
Just thank you for arranging yet another superb and unforgettable holiday.
Sara who has been on 9 In The Saddle rides. Absolutely fantastic in every way | I am always in an odd group as I am quite experienced but I don’t want to go on a flat out gallop all the time. I like to have a ride that includes lots of game viewing and information. So sometimes I fall between the groups and have to choose - either exhaust myself and go on the ‘fast ride’ or go on the slow ride and have much shorter canters etc. I chose the slower and I had a lovely time. I would probably chose to go a bit faster and canter a bit longer but I made my choice and I had the best time. I had a fabulous horse - a Boerperd who used to be one of the fasted but is getting a bit older and he was amazing fast as I wanted and completely controllable and (very important) very comfortable.
We went as a group of 2 friends and we couldn’t have had better companions in the Gorvett family. We got on brilliantly and enjoyed each other’s company.
The team at Ants Nest were amazing. The food was the best ever - delicious and so much of it. The guides were fantastic and we saw the animals so close up.
Everything was absolutely wonderful - the best holiday yet.
Thank you