Ant's Lodges - South Africa

Game census

5 star rating   4 June 2023

Jane who has been on 13 In The Saddle rides. Ants Census Ride : South Africa | Thrilling riding - it more than met expectations. There was lots of cantering and challenging riding through difficult terrain.

The Riding

How well were you matched with the right horse for your ability?
4 star rating
How would you rate the variety of riding, pace or terrain?
5 star rating
How would you rate the overall standard of the horses, tack and stables?
5 star rating

The Accommodation

How would you rate your room(s) for comfort and facilities?
5 star rating
How would you rate the standard of the food?
5 star rating

Do you have any comments about the accommodation and food?

Accommodation and food was excellent.

Before Your Holiday

Did you have all of the information you needed to:

Plan and prepare for your holiday?
5 star rating
Feel comfortable about your transfers and what to expect?
5 star rating

How could we improve the quality of pre-holiday information that we send?

Everything perfect

How could we improve the way we handled your booking and payment?

All fine

Do you have any other feedback for us?

An absolutely fabulous weeks riding. My husband as a non rider also had a terrific time and felt very involved with plenty to do. All the staff were excellent and the horses knew their jobs very well. We would love to go again next year but there is already a huge waiting list so have put our names down for 2025.
I celebrated my 60th birthday on this ride and Ants made the day incredibly special.
[Becky from In The Saddle replies: Thank you so much for your feedback and we are so pleased to hear that you had such a wonderful time.]