African Explorer - Botswana and South Africa

African Explorer

5 star rating   10 June 2022

Lee who has been on 2 In The Saddle rides. African Explorer - Great!! | Yes it did meet expectations. The owners and staff were FANTASTIC and went out of their way to make my trip comfortable. Loved it. Will repeat one day.

[In The Saddle replies: Thank you for your feedback. We're so pleased that you enjoyed the African Explorer].

The Riding

How well were you matched with the right horse for your ability?
4 star rating
How would you rate the variety of riding, pace or terrain?
4 star rating
How would you rate the overall standard of the horses, tack and stables?
4 star rating

The Accommodation

How would you rate your room(s) for comfort and facilities?
4 star rating
How would you rate the standard of the food?
4 star rating

Do you have any comments about the accommodation and food?

Nothing really - was all more than satisfactory and staff were very kind and accommodating

Before Your Holiday

Did you have all of the information you needed to:

Plan and prepare for your holiday?
4 star rating
Feel comfortable about your transfers and what to expect?
4 star rating

How could we improve the quality of pre-holiday information that we send?

You did a great job and I was very grateful for all your help. A question - the others on my ride received fabulous luggage tags and a 'book type' thing from you guys - I did not - any chance I could have one?

[In The Saddle replies: Thank you for your kind words. Yes of course, we will gladly post a ticket wallet to you in Australia].

How could we improve the way we handled your booking and payment?

Perfect as it was