Round Up - Iceland

Horse Round Up - Skrapatungurétt

5 star rating   20 September 2021

Hilary who has been on 7 In The Saddle rides. So much fun - combined herd riding with Icelandic tradition and great scenery | I will treasure the memories of the whole Saturday as it started with coming together with up to 100 other riders like a pony club or hunting day, riding over the mountains to watch the farmers bringing down the mares and foals followed by the most fun and fast ride down the valley after the mares and foals herd to bring them to the shedding ring.

The Riding

How well were you matched with the right horse for your ability?
5 star rating
How would you rate the variety of riding, pace or terrain?
5 star rating
How would you rate the overall standard of the horses, tack and stables?
5 star rating

The Accommodation

How would you rate your room(s) for comfort and facilities?
5 star rating
How would you rate the standard of the food?
4 star rating

Do you have any comments about the accommodation and food?

The roundups are based from Haukar's guest house which is comfortable and has a hot tub to relax weary limbs. It is well-designed to relax and dry clothes ready for the next day. It has a good wifi system.
Food is traditional and plentiful - it tends to alternate between fish and lamb in the evening. Breakfast is plentiful as you make your lunchtime sandwiches then too. Haukar supplies plastic boxes to prevent squashed sandwiches. There was always a tasty vegetarian option. Hot coffee and water is always available. If you want something sweet when you get back (cakes and biscuits are supplied at lunchtime) then bring something with you.

Before Your Holiday

Did you have all of the information you needed to:

Plan and prepare for your holiday?
4 star rating
Feel comfortable about your transfers and what to expect?
5 star rating

How could we improve the quality of pre-holiday information that we send?

Because this was so soon after Covid, I relied more on my family who had already experienced travelling abroad and working out what and where to get the necessary tests. I know Iceland well and took a calculated risk for travelling back on the final day. The bus station provides lateral flow tests and it takes 45 minutes from the bus station to the airport. There is good wifi on the bus so it is easy to get the email result. However I booked my flights before calculating all the covid tests and form filling so would advise others to enjoy Reykjavik in the afternoon and have a final goodbye meal with the others.

Do you have any other feedback for us?

BBC Travel show featured this farmer and horse roundups on the 5th November 2021. The filming was taken about 2 weeks after I went in mid September and the snow was on the mountains. We were blessed with good weather and the rain tended to fall just as we finished for the day.