Health & Vaccinations

If you or any member of your party has an existing medical condition, disability or significant reduction in mobility which may affect your holiday (including any which affect the booking process) or have any special requirements as a result, please tell us before you confirm your booking so that we can assist you in considering the suitability of the holiday and/or making the booking. The ride operator may ask you to get confirmation from your doctor that you are medically fit enough to undertake the ride.

You must provide full details in writing at the time of booking and whenever any material change in your condition, disability or mobility occurs so that we can pass this information to the ride operator. You must also promptly advise us if you develop any medical condition, disability or reduced mobility after your booking has been confirmed.

If the ride operator feels unable to properly accommodate your needs, they reserve the right to decline your reservation or, if full details are not given at the time of booking, cancel your booking when they become aware of these details.

Most ride operators will not permit pregnant women to ride.

Health care in the country you plan to visit may not be comparable to the quality of care you would receive in your home country. The ride operators will not compromise your safety and welfare but you should be aware that if you require urgent medical care whilst on holiday they cannot guarantee to get you to a hospital within a specified time.


We will provide you with details of any compulsory health requirements when you book your holiday.

Since vaccination and other health requirements/recommendations are subject to change at any time for any destination we recommend you check with a doctor or clinic not less than 6 weeks prior to departure to ensure that you have met the necessary requirements and have the applicable information.

Health requirements are available from your GP surgery, local travel clinic and the National Travel Health Network and Centre . Information on health abroad is also available from the NHS.

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